A man is always keep in search of Happiness, Fulfillment and Achievement and inner peace but how can one get it? are we searching it at right way? at right place?
Here I am going to embed 2 stories which
goes something like this..
"One of the marvels of the world is the sight
of a soul sitting in the prison with the key in its hand!" There's an old
story from Greek mythology
Wherein they say, when the Gods created humans, they were having a discussion
among themselves.. 'Where should we put the secret of man's success, happiness
and fulfillment?' So one of the Gods proposed that, we should keep it on the
highest mountain! Man will never be able to get there and
never find the secret of his success. And the other one said, no. This man,
this creature, this animal we've created is very resourceful. He'll get there!
Let's put
it at the depths of the deepest ocean, so he can never find it. And this
conversation went on.. And the third one said, let's put it on the moon and so
on and so forth.. Until one God finally said.. 'Why don't we keep it somewhere,
where he's
least likely to look for it?' 'Why don't we keep a human beings' secret of success, fulfillment and happiness
and joy, in a place, where he's
least likely to look for it?' 'Why don't we embed it deep in his layers of
The problem though is that most of us are looking for the secret of our
success, achievement, joy, fulfillment in the wrong place. OUTSIDE US!
I'm quoting one more story here, an old
Jack Canfield story.. Where a man is frantically searching for his lost car
keys outside, outside his home, underneath the streetlight.. And his neighbor
observes this and offers to help and he joins in.. About five minutes later,
still no sign of the key,
the neighbor couldn't help but asked the man.. "Are you sure you dropped
your car keys somewhere around here?" To which the man replies, "No,
I actually
dropped them in my backyard, but the light is much better here. Therefore, I'm
looking for them here!" And I think a lot of people are doing the same
mistake, making the same mistake. We are looking for success, peace,
contentment in the wrong places. There's a lot of research, which points out
that even gaining huge material rewards like winning a lottery or something..
will have a diminishing effect on your happiness, which it's not gonna last
very long. 'Is there a key to unlocking our inner greatness?' 'Is there a way
of penetrating these layers of consciousness and unlocking the secret of our
fulfillment and joy and happiness?' Well I think there is.. I think through
greater self-awareness..
You cultivate a state of mind which leads you
to self awakening.. Which is putting you in a position to get in
touch within your inner power. But most of us are too afraid, too
I'm reminded of Marianne Williamson who said.. 'Our deepest fear is not
that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
measure. It is not our darkness but it is our light
that we are most afraid of!' We ask ourselves, "Who Am I, Who Am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?" "Who are you not to
You are a
child of God! Your playing small does not serve the world. It's a beautiful
quote by Marianne Williamson in her reflections on a Course in Miracles.
I leave
you with two daily practices, that I use to cultivate a mindset, where, you are
in a better position.. to unlock your inner core of success and fulfillment,
1. SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOURSELF. Shut down the mobile phone,
switch off the Wi-Fi router. Spend
time with yourself. You could meditate, good gaze at the stars,
you could be doing gardening. By spending time with yourself is when, when the
mind is quiet that's when your inner voice begins to talk to you. And
meditation to me does not involve any chanting of mantras or any particular
religious practice. To me meditation is just simply focusing on my breathing,
and calming the mind and just being there present in that moment.
2. VISUALIZATION: I try to practice on a daily basis and I suggest you to do in
order to cultivate greater self-awareness is to practice VISUALIZATION. Put
some nice music on. I call it
a 'Ideal Life Visualization'. And in that what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to
visualize.. My ideal self.. What am I doing, for a living, how do I look like,
every aspect of my life. If it were to me according to my dreams, what I really
could achieve, what would it look like? What would it feel like? I spend time
in this visualization, everyday, for a few minutes. And what it helps doing ..
It gives me a clear mental picture. 'Once a mind can conceive it, the body can
achieve it!'
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