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Showing posts from September, 2019

Tips and Ways to Loose Weight without Exercise

All of us want to loose weight and look slim,smart and in shape, but so lazy to go to gym for workout or exercise at home... In that case, how can one loose weight? Well, the answer is here in this blog. I am mentioning few tips and ways to loose weight without exercise, which I have implemented in my life and really help me to have my weight in my control. These are: Count Your Calories Include Salads In Every Meal Make Lunch Your Biggest Meal Of Day Try to Avoid Processed and Artificial Food Sweeteners Include Protein and Fiber at Every Meal Eat the Food which Have High Volume and Low Calories Avoid Food which make You Feel Bloated Weight Yourself Weekly Count Your Calories Keep in control of the amount of calories you are taken in a day. You can see the calorie table chart of every food you eat online. Here I am also sharing the calorie chart of some basic foods we all consume weekly. Include Salads In Every Meal To eat veges in a meal ...